Tips on closing the granite customer, Brush up on those sales techniques
I found this list to be a good list of refershers for ways to move a custoemr throught he process. Because when you start to deal with the custeorm directly its not going to be a lay-up like it is with referrals.
each topic links over to the content creator. I dont endorse any of the materials found on the other site other thatn the format and the delivery of the topic is easy to consume.
One of the most important stages of selling is closing the deal, which is the
actions taken by the sales person to gain agreement to the sale. There are many
closing techniques in sales, which are prescribed actions that sales people take
to persuade the customer to make the necessary commitment. Here are some of
these: (source:
- 1-2-3 Close - close with the principle of three.
- Adjournment Close - give them time to think.
- Affordable Close - ensuring people can afford what you are selling.
- Alternative Close - offering a limited set of choices.
- Artisan Close - show the skill of the
designer. -
Close - use manager as authority. - Assumptive Close - acting as if they are ready to decide.
- Balance-sheet Close - adding up the pros and the cons.
- Best-time Close - emphasize how now is the best time to buy.
- Bonus Close - offer delighter to clinch the deal.
- Bracket Close - make three offers - with the target in the middle.
Calculator Close
- use calculator to do discount. - Calendar Close - put it in the diary.
- Companion Close - sell to the person with them.
- Compliment Close - flatter them into submission.
- Concession Close - give them a concession in exchange for the close.
- Conditional Close - link closure to resolving objections.
- Cost of Ownership Close - compare
cost over time with competitors. - Courtship Close - woo them to the close.
- Customer-care Close - the Customer Care Manager calls later and re-opens the conversation.
- Daily Cost Close - reduce cost to
daily amount. - Demonstration Close - show them the goods.
- Distraction Close - catch them in a weak moment.
- Doubt Close - show you doubt the product and let them disagree.
- Economic Close - help them pay less for what they get.
- Embarrassment Close - make not buying embarrassing.
- Emotion Close - trigger identified emotions.
- Empathy Close - empathize with them, then sell to your new friend.
- Empty-offer Close - make them an empty offer that the sale fills.
Exclusivity Close
- not everyone can buy this. -
Extra Information Close - give them
more info to tip them into closure. -
Fire Sale Close - soiled goods, going cheap. - Future Close - close on a future date.
- Give-Take Close - give something, then
take it away. - Golden Bridge Close - make the only option attractive.
Handover Close - someone else does the final
close. -
Handshake Close
- offer handshake to trigger automatic reciprocation. - Humor Close - relax them with humor.
- Hurry Close - go fast to stop them thinking too much.
- IQ Close - say how this is for intelligent people.
Minor points Close
- close first on the small things. - Never-the-best-time Close - for customers who are delaying.
- No-hassle Close - make it as easy as possible.
- Now-or-never Close - to hurry things up.
- Opportunity Cost Close - show
cost of not buying. - Ownership Close - act as if they own what you are selling.
- Price-promise Close - promise to meet any other price.
- Puppy Close - acting cute to invoke sympathy and a nurturing response.
- Quality Close - sell on quality, not on price.
- Rational Close - use logic and reason.
- Repetition Close - repeat a closing action several times.
- Retrial Close - go back to square one.
- Reversal Close - act as if you do not want them to buy the product.
Save-the-world close: - buy now and help save
the world. - Selective-deafness Close - respond only to what you want to hear.
- Shame Close - make not buying shameful.
- Shopping List Close - tick off list
of their needs. - Similarity Close - bond them to a
person in a story. - Standing-room-only Close - show how others are queuing up to buy.
- Summary Close - tell them all the things they are going to receive.
- Testimonial Close - use a happy customer to convince the new customer.
- Thermometer
Close - they score out of ten, you close gap. - Think About It Close - give them
time to think about it. - Treat Close - persuade them to 'give themselves a treat'.
- Trial Close - see if they are ready for a close.
- Valuable Customer Close - offer them a special 'valued customer' deal.
- Ultimatum Close - show negative consequences of not buying.
- Yes-set Close - get them saying 'yes' and they'll keep saying 'yes'.
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