Tips on closing the granite customer, Brush up on those sales techniques

I found this list of closing techniques that may help some of you in sales. One of the most common things that is the berior for granite fabritors moving into the retail or b2c Space is that they do not have formal sales expereince. They have been doing referral work for so long that any sales skills that they may have had at one time are a little rusty.

I found this list to be a good list of refershers for ways to move a custoemr throught he process. Because when you start to deal with the custeorm directly its not going to be a lay-up like it is with referrals.

each topic links over to the content creator. I dont endorse any of the materials found on the other site other thatn the format and the delivery of the topic is easy to consume.

One of the most important stages of selling is closing the deal, which is the
actions taken by the sales person to gain agreement to the sale. There are many
closing techniques in sales, which are prescribed actions that sales people take
to persuade the customer to make the necessary commitment. Here are some of
these: (source:

FireUps® is the granite and natural stone installers source for instant exposure to local and national markets with strategically Targeted Online Marketing Campaigns and proven Web exposure. FireUps provides local online marketing services for the small to medium sized granite surface installers with a focus on the proven results that will increase your bottom line. Our teams expertise in direct to consumer marketing is second to none, and we want to share how we can help ensure your business is found by the pro-active customer who is searching for counter tops made from granite, stone, marble or other stone surfaces. Just the niche product or services you provide!

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