You Cannot Measure What You Do Not Track

When someone says to you "I saw you in the local newspaper, hows that working for you?" or "I saw your website, hows that working for you?" Do you feel like you really know the answer? can you say at any given moment how effective that source is for driving new business?

The key to measuring performance and ensuring success with your local online marketing campaign is to measure where your customers are coming from. We provide a system for tracking your advertising sources to truely measure the success of every dollar spent.

We use online website analytics to track the effectiveness of your website and we use a masking phone number to capture the caller details to enable tracking of your advertising sources. You can use our system to track which jobs turn into sales and track back to the source to then calculate what we call a CPI or CPS Cost per Install or Cost Per Sale.

If you would like to know more about how to implement a proper tracking system so that you can start to build your business again. Call us Today!

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