For Sale Used 2019 SABER Jet XP SL Park Industries 5 Axis CNC Sawjet Financing
FireUps works with strategic partners in the custom countertop Industry. Details: Item Description: 5 Axis CNC Saberjet XP SL Sawjet Type: 5 Axis CNC Sawjet Make: Park Industries Model: Saberjet XP SL Year: 2019 Condition (including hours used, if applicable): Known defects: None Details: Ferocious Stone Production Power your stone production with the industry’s leading CNC SawJet. Power Up With XP Introducing the SABERjet™ XP CNC SawJet from Park Industries. The XP powers up with industry-leading 27 hp saw arbor to make cutting even the hardest materials including ultra-compact surfaces, quartzite, and porcelain materials a snap. This, paired with the new DynaMAX predictive maintenance 50 hp or 60 hp waterjet systems, provides unmatched processing speeds and sho